Shadow of mordor uruk hai

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Sure, it borrows heavily from them, but Monolith Productions have created a brand new system, not yet seen in video games, that will certainly be reproduced in other games in the future. The games it’s compared to only paint a portion of the truth. But in the case of Shadow of Mordor, it’s much more than a clone of other great games. It’s natural because it helps us explain our perspective in fewer words. This isn’t a bad thing, but it can be misleading. It’s common practice to draw comparisons of everything new we encounter in life: young athletes remind us of the great ones from the 80’s comedians have similar styles or draw inspiration from those that came before them. It’s been widely expressed in the gaming community that Shadow of Mordor is a “clone” or “re-skin” of Rocksteady’s Batman: Arkham series and Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed series.